
Input and output
An input/output device, often known as an IO device, is any hardware that allows a human operator or other systems to interface with a computer. Input/output devices, as the name implies, are capable of delivering data (output) to and receiving data from a computer (input).
example of input and output devices:

input/Output Streams
I/O: sequence of bytes (stream of bytes) from source to destinationBytes are usually characters, unless program requires other types of informationStream: sequence of characters from source to destinationInput Stream: sequence of characters from an input device to the computerOutput Stream: sequence of characters from the computer to an output device
information source and destination
the Source is a particular location and the Destination is a different location.

SFIA level:
I can say that in media literacy am still on level  1
  I Work under close direction and need to seek guidance in unexpected situations I May work alone or interact with my classmates. I Perform activities in a structured environment but Require assistance in resolving unexpected problems. Participates in the generation of new ideas. I use basic systems and tools, applications, and processes. throughout the different activities.  I Have basic digital skills to learn and use applications and tools for the next activities.


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